Transparent Looks

The dream of Moreno´s vision on Sociatry is becoming true...

The International Congress of Sociodrama will be held between the days 12 and 14 of October in the beautiful Hotel Riviera in Carcavelos, a 20 mn drive from the center of Lisbon.

It will have as the main theme a "Transparent Look" at the main applications of Sociodrama in the Education Field, Organizational and Community Intervention.

October 12 we will have the Pre-Congress with Workshops carried out by Peter Félix Kellerman (Sweden/Israel) and by Jorge Burmeister (Switzerland/Spain). The Congress in October 13 and 14 will have Workshops and presentations by famous Sociodramatists such as Martinez Bouquet (Argentina), Ron Wiener (UK), Chiara de Marino (Brazil/Italy), Manuela Maciel (Portugal), Kerstin Jurdeil (Sweden), Eero Julkunen (Finland), Mark Wentworth (UK), Natacha Navarro (Spain), Pablo Alvarez (Spain) and Jeanne Burger (USA).

The objective of this congress is to promote and network among professionals, students and potential targets, so that it helps to clarify how Sociodrama can be best used as a privileged strategic method for different group contexts.

This Conference it will be an affective opportunity for an active reflection about the Sociodrama past and future developments in the World.