

EDD, TEP was trained by Zerka T. Moreno. She is a licensed professional counsellor and family therapist in private practice in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. She presents Psychodrama workshops nationaly and internationally and has served on the American Board of examiners of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.

Martinez Bouquet: (Argentina)

Medical Doctor and Psychoanalyst (Psychoanalytical Association of Argentina) Analyst Bioenergétic (The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis), Psicodramatista and Therapist Transpersonal. Tanatólogo. It has contributed to the introduction in Argentina of the Psychodrama, the Analysis Bioenergétic, the Buddhism Vajrayana, the Psychology Transpersonal and the New one Tanatología. Colaboracion UNIPAZ.

Ron Wiener: (UK)

is a senior Sociadrama trainer with the British Psychodrama Association and co-director of the MPV/SAM Sociodrama and Creative ACtion Methodes Training School with courses in England, Russia and China. He works as a training facilitator across Europe. He is also a co-founder os Audience Participation Theatre. He is the author of "Creative Training" and " Community Action: The Belfast Experience" as well as many articles and book chapters.

Chiara de Marino: (Italy)

is a Psychologist, Psychodramatist from Brazil, that lived in Argentina and is now living in Italy. She does Psychodrama in the water and has direct several public Sociodramas in the region of Tuscany.

Peter Felix Kellerman: (Sweeden / Israel)

PHD is a clinical Psychologist, a Psycho and Sociodramatist, born in Sweden, but presently living in Israel. He is a International trainer of Psychodrama and Sociodrama. From 2001-2004 he was the executive director os AMCHA- a treatment centre for Holocaust Survivors and their families in Israel. He was Chairperson of Psychodrama Section of IAGP 1998-2000. Fellow ASGPP (Zerka MOreno) Author of books such as "Focus on Psychodrama" or "Sociodrama and Collective Trauma" by Routledge, and many other books and papers.

Jorge Burmeister: (Switzerland / Spain)

Psychiatrist/Psychotherapist, Lecturer and Supervisor at different Universities in Europe and Brazil no Group Copetence and Group Processes including non-therapeutical applications, Organizer and Lecturer of a training Program on Supervision and Organizational Counselling in Switzerland, Co-Organizer of the International Summer Academy on Intercultural Competence in Groups, Lecturer at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution / University of Granada, President Elect of the International Association for Group Psychoterapy and Group Processes.

Mark Wentworth: (UK/Portugal)

Mark Wentworth lives in Lisbon, Portugal and has been working and studying personal development for 20 years, his background is based in Colour Psychology, Deep Memory Processing and Shamanism. Mark is the founder and principal of Colour for Life, a training school for transformational colour therapy and personal development. He created Dynamic Theatre and the technique of the “incognito auxiliairies” 4 years ago.. He gave workshops of Dynamic Theatre in Europe and East and West U.S.

Natacha Navarro Roldan: (Spain)

Psychologist, Organizer of multicultural integration projects in educational settings (different regions of Spain), Co-Organizer of the International Summer Academy on Intercultural Competence in Groups, Lecturer at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution/University of Granada, Psychodrama Director, Member of the Board of the Spanish Association of Psychodrama

Yvette Datner: (Brazil)

Socio-educational Psychodrama Supervisor teacher titled by the FEBRAP (Brazil) for the socio-educational and organizational area. Experienced organizational consultant. Author of book: "Games for business education" ed. Ágora, 2006. Others books: "Interventions with groups" and "The Game in the Psychodrama" and several articles published in magazines specialized. Director of the Datner Business Education dedicated to the individual health, grupal and organizational.

Manuela Maciel: (Portugal)

is Clinical and Social Psychologist and Psychodrama Director. She is Chairperson of the Psychodrama Section of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP). Member of the board, supervisor and teacher in the Portuguese Psychodrama Association. She presented workshops in many countries. She is co-editor of the book "Psychodrama Advances in Theory and Practices", by Routledge (2007).

Maria Margarida Barros: (Portugal)

is a teacher and Sociodramatist. Works in Artistic Education and Education for the Peace. Develops Astrodrama / Astrodança. The knowledge about Arts, Human Sciences and Wisdom Traditions in a Transdisciplinary approach.

Micaela Ramos: (Portugal)

is Psychologist and develops her activities in enterprise context, while consulting and executive coach, and in context of private clinic, while individual and group psychotherapist. She is Director of Psychodrama and Sociodrama (Portuguese Society of Psychodrama and Sociodrama). She has come to specialize itself in individual and team coaching, appealing to psychodrama and sociodrama techniques.

Teresa Roque: (Portugal)

is graduated in Performing Arts. She is a clinical Psychologist, Sociodramatist and Psychotherapist. She worked for these last 2 years in a project for adolescent mothers developing their social skills with SocioPsychodrama. She wants to develop in Portugal a Spontaneous Theatre project.

Ana Caetano: (Portugal)

is Psychologist, Psychotherapist anda finalist of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama.